
Hit the Road With an Outdoor Adventure

First, you need to plan where you would like to go on your outdoor camping trip. Second knowing what your budget for spending might be for your camping trip. If you have older children let them be a part of the planning to where they would like to go and what they would like to do on an outdoor camping trip. If you have younger children you might want to stay closer to home, if this is the first time to be outdoors and spending a night. Children can get fussy and tired riding for a long distance. It is better to be well planned than to start out without a planned trip. Lay out the direction you are going and how far you will have to travel to get there. Make sure you have enough room to carry the essentials who will need for your outdoor adventure.

Here is a list of essentials you might need for your outdoor camping trip.

1) Take a tent or a canopy to stay warm and dry.

2) You will need sleeping bags or hammocks and warm covers.

3) Bring your cooking utensils for cooking outside. If staying in a campground they will have a fire pit to cook on. You will need to buy wood or bring charcoal for cooking. A fire lighter is essential.

4) A lantern will be handy for extra light at night. Flashlights are good to have with you.

5) Having comfortable folding chairs or lounges can be used for sleeping on or just sitting around the campsite.

6) You will need coolers and closed containers to keep your food cold and safe from animals.

7) Outdoor games and activities should be planned to have for that special time with the kids when your out camping. Sharing stories around the campfire are part of camping,

8) Make sure you pack just what you need for clothing, sometimes you can over do it. Always bring a jacket or sweatshirt in case the nights would be cool.

9) Plan your food menu before you leave so you will not bring more than you need for each meal.

10) Always have the healthy snacks for the trip and your camera to take those special pictures to have to enjoy later.

11) Kids like to bring their special toy or animal to sleep with so they feel safe and comfortable.

An outdoor camping trip can be a very memorable time for a family to enjoy being together.